`ChatAssistant 3.1.1710.101 SavedSet Original file created on 2009-01-10__03-29-28 `Title: Alerts `WidthIdCol: 230 `V .R...K.IP.AsMh.GC ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `To Room `- ` sR.........sM.sgc 008080 `Welcome ` Hi opps, wlc. Precision with Asking Bids this way. Variable NT (10-12 NV & 13-15 V). Full Disclosure CC loaded. O/E Carding. Leads: 4th, strong 10's, MUD vs Suits, ToN vs NT's ` sR.........sM.sgc 008080 `NoFD ` Hi opps, wlc. Precision with Asking Bids this way. Variable NT (10-12 NV & 13-15 V). O/E Carding. Leads: 4th, strong 10's, MUD vs Suits, ToN vs NT's ` sR.........sM.sgc 008080 `Discuss ` Please feel free to discuss your bidding system as you need it, that includes during the auction if something comes up you haven't discussed ` sR.........sM.sgc 008080 `Help ` Opps, if you need any help or advise, especially where our bidding or defending against it is concerned, please just ask us. ` sR.........sM.sgc 008080 `Leads ` Our lead style is 4th Highest, Rusinow Honour leads (with strong 10's), Roman (Odd/Even) signals and discards with standard Count as/when required. ` sR.........sM.sgc 008080 `AskingBids ` Asking bids do not always relate to the suit bid. Responses are always in steps, so the response is also not related to the suit bid. We will always alert and explain both the Ask and the response. ` sR.........sM.sgc 008080 `Doubles ` We play Negative doubles up to 4!D. After interference over Asking Bids we play DOPI and ROPI, and sometimes Lebensohl-style passes. ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `Openings `- ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `1C `16+ Any dist except 16-23 4441 ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `1D-V `11-15, No 5M, No 6!C, not 13-15 bal ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `1D-nv `11-15, No 5M, No 6!C, not 10-12 bal ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `1H/1S `11-15, 5+ !H. !S's shorter ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `1NT-V `13-15 balanced/Semi-balanced, No 5M ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `1NT-nv `10-12, balanced/Semi-balanced, No 5M ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `2C `11-15 with 6+ !C OR 5 !C + 4!H/!S ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `2D `16-23 and ANY 4441 distribution ` s.........AsMhsgc 000080 `2DMulti `Weak2 Major, 16-23 4441, or 11-15 5M/6m ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `2H `5-9 Points and a 6-card Heart suit ` s.........AsMhsgc 000080 `2HRR `11-15, 4-card !H's and 6-card !D's ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `2S `5-9 Points and a 6-card Spade suit ` s.........AsMhsgc 000080 `2SRR `11-15, 4-card !S's and 6-card !D's ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `Pre-empts `- ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `2NT `5-9 5-5+ Minors, or 11-15 5-5 Majors, or !C Preempt ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `3C `11-15 6 !C and 4 !H or 4 !S. NOT 4306/3406 ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `3D `3!D = a Diamond Preempt ` s.........AsMhsgc 000080 `3D-Comp `Pre-empt in ANY suit, or 30-31 balanced ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `3H `3!H = a Heart Preempt ` s.........AsMhsgc 000080 `3H-Comp `3!H = 5-9 and AT LEAST 5-5 in the Majors ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `3S `3!S = a Spade Pre-empt ` s.........AsMhsgc 000080 `3S-Comp `Gmblng 3NT + !H, 5-9 6m-6m+, 11-15 6M-6M, or 32-33 bal ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `3NT `3NT = An Acol Gambling 3NT. ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `4C `4!C = A good 4-level prempt in Hearts ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `4D `4!D = A good 4-level prempt in Spades ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `4H `4!H = A normal 4-level pre-empt ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `4S `4!S = A normal 4-level pre-empt ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `INTRO `- ` s.........AsMhsgc 0080ff `Pass `Any Str, weak 4432, or inv 2-suiter. Asks p to XX ` s.........AsMhsgc 0080ff `Pass-Jump `Inv 2-suiter: lower suit ` s.........AsMhsgc 0080ff `XX `Weak 4333/4441 OR a inv 3-suiter. ` s.........AsMhsgc 0080ff `Jump `Inv single-suiter not interested in NT ` s.........AsMhsgc 0080ff `NoJump `To play, with at least a 5-card suit ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `Brozel `- ` s.........AsMhsgc 800080 `X `Single-suiter. Not for penalties ` s.........AsMhsgc 800080 `2C `!C + !H, at least 5-4, more normally 5-5 ` s.........AsMhsgc 800080 `2D `!D + !H, at least 5-4, more normally 5-5 ` s.........AsMhsgc 800080 `2H `Majors, at least 5-4, more normally 5-5 ` s.........AsMhsgc 800080 `2S `!S + Minor, at least 5-4, more normally 5-5 ` s.........AsMhsgc 800080 `2NT `Minors, at least 5-4, more normally 5-5 ` s.........AsMhsgc 800080 `3C `3-suiter, Diamond Singleton ` s.........AsMhsgc 800080 `3D `3-suiter, Heart Singleton ` s.........AsMhsgc 800080 `3H `3-suiter, Spade Singleton ` s.........AsMhsgc 800080 `3S `3-suiter, Club Singleton ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `MOTOR `- ` s.........AsMhsgc 000080 `1NT `-> !C. If Major support later, shows !C Control ` s.........AsMhsgc 000080 `2C `-> !D. If Major support later, shows !D Control ` s.........AsMhsgc 000080 `2D(S) `-> !H. If Major support later, shows !H Control ` s.........AsMhsgc 000080 `2D(H) `-> !H, AT LEAST a good 2-level raise in Hearts ` s.........AsMhsgc 000080 `2H(S) `-> !S, AT LEAST a good 2-level raise in Spades ` s.........AsMhsgc 000080 `2H(H) `A non-forcing, pre-emptive raise in Hearts ` s.........AsMhsgc 000080 `2S(S) `A non-forcing, pre-emptive raise in Spades ` s.........AsMhsgc 000080 `DGR `GF raise in Opener's Major with a decent side-suit ` s.........AsMhsgc 000080 `MSpl `8-9 good trump supp, shortage in the suit above ` s.........AsMhsgc 000080 `Fsh `8-9 with trump supp and side-suit. ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `Major Openings `- ` s.........AsMhsgc 008000 `FNT `Forcing No Trump. Forcing for 1 Round ` s.........AsMhsgc 008000 `Fit-Showing `7-10, good support and a fair side-suit ` s.........AsMhsgc 008000 `1M-2NT `Mini-splinter in any suit. Mild invite. ` s.........AsMhsgc 008000 `Splinter `Splinter: shortage in suit above. ` s.........AsMhsgc 008000 `2C-2D `2!D = Forcing Enquiry ` s.........AsMhsgc 008000 `2C-2H/S `8-10 points 6-card suit. Not forcing ` s.........AsMhsgc 008000 `2C-3C `About 9 with good trump support. Non Forcing ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `1NT Openings `- ` s.........AsMhsgc a95f00 `2C `2!C = Non-promissory Stayman. ` s.........AsMhsgc a95f00 `2D `2!D = -> !H or a balanced/semi-balanced invitation. ` s.........AsMhsgc a95f00 `2D-2H-2S `Balanced or semi-balanced invitational or very strong. ` s.........AsMhsgc a95f00 `2H `2!H = Transfer -> !S. ` s.........AsMhsgc a95f00 `2S `2!S = Transfer -> !C. ` s.........AsMhsgc a95f00 `2NT `2NT = Transfer -> !D ` s.........AsMhsgc a95f00 `3x `16+ with 5+ in the suit. An Asking Bid (Alpha). ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `Defensive `- ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `Michaels `2 Highest Unbid Suits, 5-9 or 16+ ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `UNT `2 Lowest Unbid Suits, 5-9 or 16+ ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `Ghestem `2 Extreme Unbid Suits, 5-9 or 16+ ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `UCB `Good 3-level raise in p's suit or a strong hand ` s.........AsMhsgc 800000 `Captaincy `Hands over Captaincy of the hand. ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `Lebensohl `- ` s.........AsMhsgc 008040 `Leb `Leb, forces 3!C. Hand clarified on rebid ` s.........AsMhsgc 008040 `Rub `Rub, forces 3!C. Hand clarified on rebid ` s.........AsMhsgc 008040 `Fast `Natural but Game-Forcing ` s.........AsMhsgc 008040 `SlowWeak `Natural and Competitive only ` s.........AsMhsgc 008040 `SlowInv `Natural and Invitational ` s.........AsMhsgc 008040 `RubXfer `Transfer, weak or strong ` s.........AsMhsgc 008040 `RubXCue `FAST Cue, Staymanic, No Stop of Opps suit ` s.........AsMhsgc 008040 `SlowCue `Staymanic, promising stop in Opps suit ` s.........AsMhsgc 008040 `Slow3NT `Promises stop in Opps' suit, No Major interest ` s.........AsMhsgc 008040 `Fast3NT `Game values, no stop in Opps' suit, No Major Interest ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `1C Openings `- ` s.........AsMhsgc `1C-1D `0-7 any OR 8-10 with any 4441 ` s.........AsMhsgc `1C-3x `11+ and 4441 dist, suit BELOW the singleton ` s.........AsMhsgc `1C-1H `8+ HCP with 5+ Hearts, GF ` s.........AsMhsgc `1C-1S `8+ BALANCED or semi-balanced with 5m, GF ` s.........AsMhsgc `1C-1NT `8+ with 5+ SPADES, GF ` s.........AsMhsgc `Positive `Positive GF, 8+ HCP and a 5+-card suit ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `Asks `- ` s.........AsMhsgc 0000ff `Alpha `Trump ask in suit bid ` s.........AsMhsgc 1000ee `Beta `General Control Ask, Normal scale ` s.........AsMhsgc 2000dd `BetaWeak `General Control Ask, Weak scale ` s.........AsMhsgc 3000cc `BetaStrong `General Control Ask, Strong scale ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `Gamma `Trump Asking bid in Responder's suit. ` s.........AsMhsgc 5000aa `Delta `Very Strong Trump Asking Bid. ` s.........AsMhsgc 600099 `Epsilon `Suit-specific Control Ask ` s.........AsMhsgc 700088 `Zeta `Sets trump suit (guaranteed solid), general control ask ` s.........AsMhsgc 800077 `Eta `Trump asking bid in known 4-card suit ` s.........AsMhsgc 900066 `Theta `Trump Asking Bid in suit bid. ` s.........AsMhsgc a00055 `Iota `Shortened Trump Asking Bid in suit bid. ` s.........AsMhsgc b00044 `Sigma `Asks for clarification of trump support ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `Alpha `- ` s.........AsMhsgc 0000ff `- 0-3 `Less than Hxx/xxxx in suit asked, 0-3 Controls ` s.........AsMhsgc 0000ff `- 4+ `Less than Hxx/xxxx in suit asked, 4+ Controls ` s.........AsMhsgc 0000ff `+ 0-3 `Hxx/xxxx or better in suit asked, 0-3 Controls ` s.........AsMhsgc 0000ff `+ 4+ `HHx/Hxx/xxxx in suit asked, 4+ Controls ` s.........AsMhsgc 0000ff `++ 4 `Hxxx or better in suit asked, 4 Controls ` s.........AsMhsgc 0000ff `++ 5 `Hxxx or better in suit asked, 5 Controls ` s.........AsMhsgc 0000ff `++ 6 `Hxxx or better in suit asked, 6 Controls ` s.........AsMhsgc 0000ff `++ 7 `Hxxx or better in suit asked, 7 Controls ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `Beta `- ` s.........AsMhsgc 2000dd `0 `No Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s.........AsMhsgc 2000dd `0-2 `0-2 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s.........AsMhsgc 2000dd `0-4 `0-4 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s.........AsMhsgc 2000dd `0-6 `0-6 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s.........AsMhsgc 2000dd `1 Ctrl `1 Control (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s.........AsMhsgc 2000dd `2 Ctrl `2 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s.........AsMhsgc 2000dd `3 Ctrl `3 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s.........AsMhsgc 2000dd `4 Ctrl `4 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s.........AsMhsgc 2000dd `5 Ctrl `5 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s.........AsMhsgc 2000dd `6 Ctrl `6 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s.........AsMhsgc 2000dd `7 Ctrl `7 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `Gamma `- ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `0 TH `No Top Honour, Any length ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `1 TH `1 Top Honour, Min length ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `23 TH `2 or 3 Top Honours, Min length ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `1+ `1 Top Honour, Min length + 1 ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `2+ `2 Top Honours, Min length + 1 ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `3+ `3 Top Honours, Min length + 1 ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `1++ `1 Top Honour, Min length + 2 ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `2++ `2 Top Honours, Min length + 2 ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `3++ `3 Top Honours, Min length + 2 ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `Rep Gamma `- ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `Q/KJ `Q or KJ held in trumps ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `K/AJ `K or AJ held in trumps ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `A/QJ `A or QJ held in trumps ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `KQ/AQJ `KQ or AQJ held in trumps ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `AQ/AKJ `AQ or AKJ held in trumps ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `AK/KQJ `AK or KQJ held in trumps ` s.........AsMhsgc 4000bb `AKQ `AKQ held in trumps ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `Epsilon `- ` s.........AsMhsgc 600099 `0/1+2 `No Control OR 1st AND 2nd Round Control ` s.........AsMhsgc 600099 `3rd `3rd Round Control in the Ask suit ` s.........AsMhsgc 600099 `2nd `2nd Round Control in the Ask suit ` s.........AsMhsgc 600099 `2+3 `2nd & 3rd Round Control in the Ask suit ` s.........AsMhsgc 600099 `1st `1st Round Control in the Ask suit, no 2nd or 3rd ` s.........AsMhsgc 600099 `1+3 `1st and 3rd Round Control in the Ask suit ` s.........AsMhsgc 600099 `1+2+3 `1st, 2nd and 3rd Round Control in the Ask suit ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `Rep Epsilon `- ` s.........AsMhsgc 600099 `Shortage `Control previously shown is a Shortage, ie: ` s.........AsMhsgc 600099 `Honour `Control previously shown is an Honour, ie: ` s.........AsMhsgc 600099 `Both `Control is a Honour AND a Shortage, ie: ` s.........AsMhsgc 600099 `Suit-J `Control is a 4+-card suit MINUS the Jack, ie: ` s.........AsMhsgc 600099 `Suit+J `Control is a 4+-card suit WITH the Jack, ie: ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `Eta `- ` s.........AsMhsgc 800077 `0 TH `No Top Honour, ie: Jxxx or xxxx ` s.........AsMhsgc 800077 `1-Jack `One Top Honour without the Jack, ie: Hxxx ` s.........AsMhsgc 800077 `1+Jack `One Top Honour WITH the Jack, ie: HJxx ` s.........AsMhsgc 800077 `2-Jack `Two Top Honours without the Jack, ie: HHxx ` s.........AsMhsgc 800077 `2+Jack `Two Top Honours WITH the Jack, ie: HHJx ` s.........AsMhsgc 800077 `3-Jack `Three Top Honours, ie: AKQx ` s.........AsMhsgc 800077 `3+Jack `Three Top Honours, ie: AKQx ` s..........sM.sgc ` `- ` s..........sM.sgc 0000ff `Theta/Iota `- ` s.........AsMhsgc a00055 `x/- `Singleton or Void in the Ask suit ` s.........AsMhsgc a00055 `