`ChatAssistant 3.1.1674.101 SavedSet Original file created on 2008-12-30__20-15-12 `Title: FullPrecision `WidthIdCol: 230 `V .R...K.IP..sMh.G ` s..........sM.sg `To Room `- ` sR.........sM.sg `Welcome ` Hi opps, wlc. Precision with Asking Bids this way. Variable NT (10-12 NV & 13-15 V). Full Disclosure CC loaded. O/E Carding. Leads: 4th, strong 10's, MUD vs Suits, ToN vs NT's ` sR.........sM.sg `NoFD ` Hi opps, wlc. Precision with Asking Bids this way. Variable NT (10-12 NV & 13-15 V). O/E Carding. Leads: 4th, strong 10's, MUD vs Suits, ToN vs NT's ` sR.........sM.sg `Discuss ` Please feel free to discuss your bidding system as you need it, that includes during the auction if something comes up you haven't discussed ` sR.........sM.sg `Help ` Opps, if you need any help or advise, especially where our bidding or defending against it is concerned, please just ask us. ` sR.........sM.sg `Leads ` Our lead style is 4th Highest, Rusinow Honour leads (with strong 10's), Roman (Odd/Even) signals and discards with standard Count as/when required. ` sR.........sM.sg `AskingBids ` Asking bids do not always relate to the suit bid. Responses are always in steps, so the response is also not related to the suit bid. We will always alert and explain both the Ask and the response. ` sR.........sM.sg `Doubles ` We play Negative doubles up to 4!D. After interference over Asking Bids we play DOPI and ROPI, and sometimes Lebensohl-style passes. ` s..........sM.sg ` `- ` s..........sM.sg `Openings `- ` s......I...sM.sg `1C `16+ Any distribution except 16-23 with 4441 distribution ` s......I...sM.sg `1D-V `1!D = 11-15 points, No 5-card Major, No 6-card Club suit (unless very weak), not with a 5-card Club Suit & 4-card Major, and not 13-15 balanced. This Opening only guarantees at least 1 diamond. ` s......I...sM.sg `1D-nv `1!D = 11-15 points, No 5-card Major, No 6-card Club suit (unless very weak), not with a 5-card Club Suit & 4-card Major, and not 10-12 balanced. This Opening only guarantees at least 1 diamond. ` s......I...sM.sg `1H/1S `1!H/!S = 11-15 and a 5-card Suit. 1NT Response is Forcing for 1 round. Opener will not have a 6-card minor in addition or be exactly 5-5 in the majors. ` s......I...sM.sg `1NT-V `1NT = 13-15 balanced, or semi-balanced with a 5 card minor, very rarely a 5 card major. Continuations: Stayman, 4-suit Transfers ` s......I...sM.sg `1NT-nv `1NT = 10-12 balanced, or semi-balanced with a 5 card minor, very rarely a 5 card major. Continuations: Stayman, 4-suit Transfers ` s......I...sM.sg `2C `2!C = 11-15 with either a 6-card or longer Club suit, or a 5-card Club suit with a 4-card major. 2!D Response is a Forcing Relay. Opener will not have 6-card Clubs AND a 4-card major ` s......I...sM.sg `2D `2!D = 16-23 and ANY 4441 distribution ` s......I...sM.sg `2DMulti `2!D = either^(1) 5-9 points and a 6-card Major, or^(2) 16-23 and ANY 4441 distribution, or^(3) 11-15 point and 8 playing tricks (Acol-style) in a hand with a 5-card Major and a 6-card Minor ` s......I...sM.sg `2H `5-9 Points and a 6-card Heart suit ` s......I...sM.sg `2HRR `11-15 points with 4-card Hearts and 6-card Diamonds ` s......I...sM.sg `2S `5-9 Points and a 6-card Spade suit ` s......I...sM.sg `2SRR `11-15 points with 4-card Spades and 6-card Diamonds ` s..........sM.sg ` `- ` s..........sM.sg `Pre-empts `- ` s......I...sM.sg `2NT `2NT = either^(1) 5-9 with at least 5-5 in the Minors, or^(2) 11-15 with exactly 5-5 in the Majors, or^(3) a 3/4-level Club Preempt ` s......I...sM.sg `3C `3!C = 11-15 exactly 6-card Clubs and an unspecified 4-card major. Opener will NOT have a diamond void ` s......I...sM.sg `3D `3!D = a Diamond Preempt ` s......I...sM.sg `3D-Comp `3!D = either^(1) A 3-level pre-empt in either Major, or^(2) A 4-level pre-empt in either Minor, or^(3) 30-31 points balanced ` s......I...sM.sg `3H `3!H = a Heart Preempt ` s......I...sM.sg `3H-Comp `3!H = 5-9 points and AT LEAST 5-5 in the Majors ` s......I...sM.sg `3S `3!S = a Spade Pre-empt ` s......I...sM.sg `3S-Comp `3!S = either^(1) An Acol-style Gambling 3NT Opener with an outside !H Stop, or^(2) 5-9 points and at least 6-6 in the Minors, or^(3) 11-15 points and AT LEAST 6-6 in the Majors, or^(4) 32-33 points balanced ` s......I...sM.sg `3NT `3NT = An Acol Gambling 3NT. ` s......I...sM.sg `4C `4!C = A good 4-level prempt in Hearts ` s......I...sM.sg `4D `4!D = A good 4-level prempt in Spades ` s......I...sM.sg `4H `4!H = A normal 4-level pre-empt ` s......I...sM.sg `4S `4!S = A normal 4-level pre-empt ` s..........sM.sg ` `- ` s..........sM.sg `INTRO `- ` s......I...sM.sg `Pass `Shows a strong hand willing to try to make 1NTXX or a weak hand with 4432 distribution, or a distributional 2-suited hand worth at least an invitation. Pass asks partner to redouble. A bid over the redouble is showing 4-card suits upwards. A Pass shows the hand willing to play 1NTXX. A jump to the 3-level over XX shows the distributional 2-suiter ` s......I...sM.sg `Pass-Jump `This is now showing an invitational distributional 2-suiter, bidding the lower-ranking of the 2 suits. Opener will pass or bid the cheapest suit in which they will NOT accept an invitation. ` s......I...sM.sg `XX `Shows a weak hand with 4333 or 4441 distribution OR a invitational+ strength 3-suited hand. Opener starts bidding 4-card suits upwards. 2NT or a raise of Opener's suit shows the stronger 3-suiter depending on whether Opener has hit my singleton or one of my suits. ` s......I...sM.sg `Jump `Shows a invitational single-suited hand with a marked weakness in at least one of the other 3 suits ` s......I...sM.sg `NoJump `To play, with at least a 5-card suit ` s..........sM.sg ` `- ` s..........sM.sg `Brozel `- ` s......I...sM.sg `X `Shows a single-suited hand. Not penalty orientated, but can be passed for penalties ` s......I...sM.sg `2C `Shows Clubs and Hearts, at least 5-4, more normally 5-5 ` s......I...sM.sg `2D `Shows Diamonds and Hearts, at least 5-4, more normally 5-5 ` s......I...sM.sg `2H `Shows Spades and Hearts, at least 5-4, more normally 5-5 ` s......I...sM.sg `2S `Shows Spades and a Minor, at least 5-4, more normally 5-5 ` s......I...sM.sg `2NT `Shows Clubs and Diamonds, at least 5-4, more normally 5-5 ` s..........sM.sg ` `- ` s..........sM.sg `MOTOR `- ` s......I...sM.sg `1NT `Transfer to !C. If Major support later, shows a Club Control ` s......I...sM.sg `2C `Transfer to !D. If Major support later, shows a Diamond Control ` s......I...sM.sg `2D(S) `Transfer to !H. If Major support later, shows a Heart Control ` s......I...sM.sg `2D(H) `Transfer to !H showing AT LEAST a decent 2-level raise in Hearts ` s......I...sM.sg `2H(S) `Transfer to !S showing AT LEAST a decent 2-level raise in Spades ` s......I...sM.sg `2H(H) `A non-forcing, mainly pre-emptive raise in Hearts ` s......I...sM.sg `2S(S) `A non-forcing, mainly pre-emptive raise in Spades ` s......I...sM.sg `DGR `Game-forcing raise in Opener's Major with a decent side-suit ` s......I...sM.sg `MSpl `8-9 points with good trump support and a shortage in the suit above this ` s......I...sM.sg `Fsh `8-9 points with trump support and reasonable side-suit. ` s..........sM.sg ` `- ` s..........sM.sg `Major Openings `- ` s......I...sM.sg `FNT `Forcing No Trump. Forcing for 1 round. Responder normally balanced with or without Trump Support or 16+ with trump support. ` s......I...sM.sg `Fit-Showing `Jump-Shift shows 7-10, good support and a fair side-suit ` s......I...sM.sg `1M-2NT `A mini-splinter in an unspecified suit. Mildly invitational to game. ` s......I...sM.sg `Splinter `Splinter: Our style is always to bid the suit below any singleton/void held excluding the agreed trump suit. ` s......I...sM.sg `2C-2D `2!D = Forcing Relay with 11-15: 2!H/2!S show 4-card suits, 2NT shows 6-card Clubs with 2 stops outside, 3!C shows 6-card Clubs with 1 stop outside. 3NT shows 2236 with all outside suits stopped. ` s......I...sM.sg `2C-2H/S `2!H/2!S = 8-10 points with at least a reasonable 5-card suit. Not forcing ` s......I...sM.sg `2C-3C `2!C-3!C = Non-forcing raise in Clubs. About 9 HCP with good trump support. ` s..........sM.sg ` `- ` s..........sM.sg `1NT Openings `- ` s......I...sM.sg `2C `2!C = Non-forcing Stayman. ` s......I...sM.sg `2D `2!D = Transfer to Hearts or a balanced/semi-balanced invitation. Opener can break with Max, 4-card support and 4432 or 3-card support and 5332 distribution by cue-bidding a side-suit control. ` s......I...sM.sg `2D-2H-2S `The 2!S bid now cancels out the Heart transfer and now shows a balanced or semi-balanced invitational hand, but may be much stronger. Opener bids 2NT if minimum and tends to bid 4-card suits upwards at the 3-level if better than minimum. ` s......I...sM.sg `2H `2!H = Transfer to Spades. Opener can break with Max, 4-card support and 4432 or 3-card support and 5332 distribution by cue-bidding a side-suit control. ` s......I...sM.sg `2S `2!S = Transfer to Clubs. Opener can break with Max, Good 3/4-card support and a maximum by bidding 2NT instead of 3!C to show a hand that would accept an invitation to 3NT. ` s......I...sM.sg `2NT `2NT = Transfer to Diamonds. Opener can break with Max, Good 3/4-card support and a maximum by bidding 3!C instead of 3!D to show a hand that would accept an invitation to 3NT. ` s......I...sM.sg `3x `Jump-shift = 16+ with at least a 5-card suit in the suit bid. This is an Asking Bid asking about trump support and general level of controls. ` s..........sM.sg ` `- ` s..........sM.sg `1C Openings `- ` s......I...sM.sg `1C-1D `1!D = 0-7 points (or possibly 8-10 with any 4441 distribution). ` s......I...sM.sg `1C-3x `11+ points and 4441 distribution with a singleton in the suit immediately ABOVE the suit bid ` s......I...sM.sg `1C-1H `1!H = 8+ with 5+ Hearts. 1NT Relay by Opener asks for general level of controls (Ace = 2 and King = 1). ` s......I...sM.sg `1C-1S `1!S = 8+ balanced (4432 or 4333). 1NT Relay by Opener asks for general level of controls (Ace = 2 and King = 1). ` s......I...sM.sg `1C-1NT `1NT = 8+ with at least 5-card Spades. 2!C Relay asks for general Controls, and 2!S Rebid asks about Spade length and quality. ` s......I...sM.sg `Positive `Positive game-forcing response, showing 8+ points and a 5-card or longer suit. Game Forcing. Asking bids now in use. ` s..........sM.sg ` `- ` s..........sM.sg `Defensive `- ` s......I...sM.sg `Michaels `Shows the highest two unbid suits, at least 5-5. Strength Weak/Strong but only rarely intermediate ` s......I...sM.sg `UNT `Shows the lowest two unbid suits, at least 5-5. Strength Weak/Strong but only rarely intermediate ` s......I...sM.sg `Ghestem `Shows the 2 EXTREME unbid suits, at least 5-5 Strength Weak/Strong but only rarely intermediate ` s......I...sM.sg `UCB `Unassuming Cue Bid: A good 3-level raise in partner's suit or any strong hand wishing to set up a forcing sequence. Says nothing about holding in the suit cue-bid. ` s......I...sM.sg `Captaincy `2NT here hands over the Captaincy of the hand. This normally shows either a 16-18 balanced hand, or no good support for responder's suit and nothing more to ask of Responder. Bidding proceeds naturally. ` s..........sM.sg ` `- ` s..........sM.sg `Lebensohl `- ` s......I...sM.sg `Leb `Lebensohl, asking partner to bid 3!C. Hand clarified on rebid ` s......I...sM.sg `Rub `Rubensohl, asking partner to bid 3!C. Hand clarified on rebid ` s......I...sM.sg `Fast `Natural but Game-forcing ` s......I...sM.sg `SlowWeak `Natural and competitive only ` s......I...sM.sg `SlowInv `Natural and invitational ` s......I...sM.sg `RubXfer `A Transfer to the next suit up, weak or strong if a new suit, but a cuebid if a suit bid by Opps, showing 4-card interest in unbid Majors & game values but no stop in Opps' suit ` s......I...sMhsg `RubXCue `FAST Cue, Staymanic, No Stop of Opps suit ` s......I...sM.sg `SlowCue `A cuebid shows 4-card interest in unbid Majors & game values and promises a stop in Opps' suit. ` s......I...sM.sg `Slow3NT `Promises values for 3NT and a stop in Opps' suit but denies 4-card interest in any unbid Major ` s......I...sM.sg `Fast3NT `Promises values for 3NT but denies a stop in Opps' suit and denies 4-card interest in any unbid Major. Normally (but not always) based on a long running Minor ` s..........sM.sg ` `- ` s..........sM.sg `Asks `- ` s......I...sM.sg `Alpha `Primary Trump asking bid: Stepped Responses are: No Support & 0-3 controls, No Support and 4+ controls. Support (Qxx or xxxx) and 0-3 controls, Support and 4+ controls, Good Support (Qxxx min) & 4 controls, Qxxx and 5 controls ... ` s......I...sM.sg `Beta `General Control Asking Bid. Ace = 2 Controls and King = 1 Control. Stepped responses vary depending on responder's known strength. Default range is 0-2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ... if Responder unknown or intermediate. ` s......I...sM.sg `BetaWeak `General Control Asking Bid. Ace = 2 Controls and King = 1 Control. Stepped responses vary depending on responder's known strength. Here Responder known to be weak or with 0-3 Controls so the steps used are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 Controls ` s......I...sM.sg `BetaStrong `General Control Asking Bid. Ace = 2 Controls and King = 1 Control. Stepped responses vary depending on responder's known strength. Here Responder known to be 16+ or with 4+ Controls so the steps used are 0-4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Controls ` s......I...sM.sg `Gamma `Trump Asking bid in Responder's suit. Stepped responses are Jack high at best, 1 Top Honour (TH), 2 or 3 TH, 1TH + extra length, 2 TH + extra length, 3 TH + extra length... ` s......I...sM.sg `Delta `Very Strong Trump Asking Bid. Responses are: x or -, Q or xx, Qx or xxx, KQ or Qxx, xxxx, KQx or Qxxx, KQxx, xxxxx or xxxxxx, Qxxxx, or Qxxxxxx, KQxxx or KQxxxx. A 4-step response agrees the suit. ` s......I...sM.sg `Eta `Trump asking bid in known 4-card suits only (eg: 4441 shown). Responses are Jxxx or xxxx, Qxxx, QJxx, KQxx, KQJx, AKQx. ` s......I...sM.sg `Zeta `Unconditionally sets the trump suit (guaranteed solid) and asks for general controls as per Beta (0-2, 3, 4, 5 etc) ` s......I...sM.sg `Theta `Secondary Trump Asking Bid. Responses are: x or -, Q or xx, Qx or xxx, KQ or Qxx, xxxx, KQx or Qxxx, KQxx, xxxxx or xxxxxx, Qxxxx, or Qxxxxxx, KQxxx or KQxxxx. A 4-step response agrees the suit. ` s......I...sM.sg `Iota `Shortened Secondary Trump Asking Bid. Responses are: Less than Qx or xxx, Qx or xxx, KQ or Qxx, xxxx, KQx or Qxxx, KQxx, xxxxx or xxxxxx, Qxxxx, or Qxxxxxx, KQxxx or KQxxxx. A 3-step response agrees the suit. A Repeat Ask always sets the suit as trumps. ` s......I...sM.sg `Epsilon `Asking about Controls in a specific suit (the suit bid). Stepped responses are: xxx or AKx or A, Qxx or xx or Qx, Kxx or x or K, KQx or Kx, Axx or -, AQx or Ax, AKQ or AK. Repeats can be made in the same suit in which case responses are Shortage, Honour, Both, Suit without the Jack, Suit with the Jack ` s......I...sM.sg `Sigma `Asking about Support quality in the agreed trump suit. Stepped responses depend on the minimum shown thus far, so:^Over 3 steps: xxxx, Hxxx, HHx, Hxxx, HHxx^Over 4 steps: xxxx, Hxx^Over 5+ steps: Hxxx, Hxxxx, HHxx, HHxxx, HHHx(x) ` s..........sM.sg ` `- ` s..........sM.sg `Alpha `- ` s......I...sM.sg `- 0-3 `No good Support for the suit asked (less than Hxx or xxxx) and 0-3 Controls ` s......I...sM.sg `- 4+ `No good Support for the suit asked (less than Hxx or xxxx) and 4+ Controls ` s......I...sM.sg `+ 0-3 `Support for the suit asked (At least Hxx or xxxx) and 0-3 Controls ` s......I...sM.sg `+ 4+ `Support for the suit asked (Hxx or xxxx) and 4+ Controls ` s......I...sM.sg `++ 4 `Excellent Support for the suit asked (At least Hxxx) and 4 Controls ` s......I...sM.sg `++ 5 `Excellent Support for the suit asked (At least Hxxx) and 5 Controls ` s......I...sM.sg `++ 6 `Excellent Support for the suit asked (At least Hxxx) and 6 Controls ` s......I...sM.sg `++ 7 `Excellent Support for the suit asked (At least Hxxx) and 7 Controls ` s..........sM.sg ` `- ` s..........sM.sg `Beta `- ` s......I...sM.sg `0 `No Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s......I...sM.sg `0-2 `0-2 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s......I...sM.sg `0-4 `0-4 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s......I...sM.sg `0-6 `0-6 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s......I...sM.sg `1 Ctrl `1 Control (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s......I...sM.sg `2 Ctrl `2 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s......I...sM.sg `3 Ctrl `3 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s......I...sM.sg `4 Ctrl `4 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s......I...sM.sg `5 Ctrl `5 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s......I...sM.sg `6 Ctrl `6 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s......I...sM.sg `7 Ctrl `7 Controls (Ace = 2, King = 1) ` s..........sM.sg ` `- ` s..........sM.sg `Gamma `- ` s......I...sM.sg `0 TH `No Top Honour, Any length ` s......I...sM.sg `1 TH `1 Top Honour, Min length ` s......I...sM.sg `23 TH `2 or 3 Top Honours, Min length ` s......I...sM.sg `1+ `1 Top Honour, Min length + 1 ` s......I...sM.sg `2+ `2 Top Honours, Min length + 1 ` s......I...sM.sg `3+ `3 Top Honours, Min length + 1 ` s......I...sM.sg `1++ `1 Top Honour, Min length + 2 ` s......I...sM.sg `2++ `2 Top Honours, Min length + 2 ` s......I...sM.sg `3++ `3 Top Honours, Min length + 2 ` s..........sM.sg ` `- ` s..........sM.sg `Rep Gamma `- ` s......I...sM.sg `Q/KJ `Q or KJ held in trumps ` s......I...sM.sg `K/AJ `K or AJ held in trumps ` s......I...sM.sg `A/QJ `A or QJ held in trumps ` s......I...sM.sg `KQ/AQJ `KQ or AQJ held in trumps ` s......I...sM.sg `AQ/AKJ `AQ or AKJ held in trumps ` s......I...sM.sg `AK/KQJ `AK or KQJ held in trumps ` s......I...sM.sg `AKQ `AKQ held in trumps ` s..........sM.sg ` `- ` s..........sM.sg `Theta/Iota `- ` s......I...sM.sg `x/- `Singleton or Void in the Ask suit ` s......I...sM.sg `