Author Topic: Rollercoaster!  (Read 1912 times)

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Offline OliverC

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« on: January 08, 2018, 11:34:56 AM »
Sometimes you need a little luck or a mis-defence, even if you're getting the hand exactly right. I was a little lucky on this hand from a match with a decent (but non-OCP) partner, even though I assessed it right:

EW Game, Dealer North

You are North in a sequence of

1 !D - 2 !C - 2NT - 3NT

South (Dummy)
 !S K86
 !H K43
 !D K96
 !C A873

!H Queen led

 !S AQ5
 !H 8752
 !D AQ43
 !C 62

East leads the !H Queen. How do you assess your chances?
Not good, in 2 words, LOL!

If the opening lead is to be believed, West will have the Ace, singleton or doubleton, so clearly I'm ducking at trick 1. West rises with the Ace and switches to the Spade 10. Now what?

The !H position was clear and now it seems likely that West probably has 5+ Spades. Prospects still don't look good unless Diamonds are 3-3 (or 5-1 with West holding a singleton 10 or Jack, but that doesn't seem very likely). Maybe something can be engineered in Clubs and I'll delay attacking the Diamonds as long as possible. I won the Spade switch with the Ace in hand and tried the !C 6, hoping to duck a Club into the West hand. East was having none of that, though and played the !C 9, so I won with the Ace and started on the Diamonds. Those, however, turned out to be 4-2 with West. On the 3rd round of Diamonds, though, East discarded a small Club.

The position was now:
South (Dummy)
 !S K8
 !H K4
 !C 873

 !S Q5
 !H 875
 !D 4
 !C 2

With the lead in my hand, I've taken 5 tricks and have 3 more on top, but not much chance for a 4th. I decided to play for East having started with !C KJ94, K1094 or J1094 as my only chance. I exited with a small Club towards Dummy. If the layout was as I'd hoped, East would obviously play their smallest Club that would beat Dummy's 8 and West would either have to overtake or might be trapped into overtaking so that they could cash their now good !D 10.

...and so it proved: West had started with !C Q10x and overtook West's Jack in order to cash the !D 10. It may even be that they feared I had started with !C Kxx and !S Ax and this was their only chance to make their Diamond. Either way, I was now home. West cashed their Diamond, on which I discarded a Heart from Dummy, and then exited with a Club on which I discarded a Heart and East took their King. Now the !C 8 provided my 9th trick.

If West didn't get greedy and allowed the !C Jack to win, East can clear the Hearts and still has their !C King as an entry to enjoy them.

Phew! I needed a miscalculation by East or a favourable !C position (!C QJx or KQx with West) here and got it, but the seeds of that we (1) not being tempted to cover at trick 1 and playing at least one round of Clubs before attacking the Diamonds (if East had played a small Club, I duck in Dummy, win the !S return in hand and play another Club to the Ace before touching the Diamonds). I couldn't allow East to gain the lead that early, though.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2018, 11:46:38 AM by OliverC »