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Messages - brian_m

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Dealer Scripts / The 1D versus 2C debate
« on: January 11, 2017, 08:41:15 AM »
# check the frequencies for Ash's problem hand in the forums
# 4405 with headless clubs
generate 10000000
produce 10000000
dealer south
condition shape(south, 4405) and (hcp(south) >= 11) and (hcp(south) <= 15)
# and (hcp(south,clubs)==0)
# remove the # in the line above for headless clubs,

Dealer Scripts / Re: 1S over 1H or pass?
« on: January 02, 2017, 11:05:09 PM »
I don't know that you can do it within BBO, Ash. I'm using the stand-alone version of Dealer to run this script.

Dealer Scripts / 1S over 1H or pass?
« on: January 02, 2017, 01:33:15 PM »

NOTE - this bit in red not part of the script!

This strictly isn't an example of a script for BBO hands, it's using the stand-alone Dealer program to run a simulation and produce a couple of hand counts. I don't know how Dealer works on Windows, but on a Linux box you run the script as

./dealer < script.inp > script.out

assuming that you have this file saved as script.inp, and the results will appear in script.out

# Respond 1S or not - hands where opener rebids 2m or raises spades
# as opposed to rebidding 2H when we respond 1S on 4=1=4=4 shape
# I could improve this script by trying to take account of suit quality, but
# the answer seems conclusive enough anyway for it not to be worth while
# We find a fit in another suit just over twice as often as opener will rebid 2H

generate 10000000
# takes just over 10 seconds on my PC

dealer north
predeal south SK963, H5, DJ852, CK874
# the small cards are just a random choice

Nopener = (hcp(north) >= 11) and (hcp(north) <= 15) and (hearts(north) >= 5) and (spades(north) < hearts(north))
# give N a 1H opener, so hearts must be 5+ AND longer than the spades

foundfit = (spades(north) >= 5) or (hearts(north) == 5) or ((hearts(north) == 6) and (clubs(north)==4)) or ((hearts(north)== 6) and (diamonds(north)==4))
# try to group the hands where north will raise spades or bid 2 of a minor

Edoubles = (hcp(east) > 10) and (shape(east,4144)) or ((hearts(east)== 0) and (shape(east, any 5044)))
# E lets us off the hook by doubling

Eoc = (hcp(east) > 7) and (hearts(east) <= 4) and shape(east, any 5xxx)
# this might be a bit too aggressive for some...

Eweak = shape(east, any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 8xxx + any 9xxx + any 55xx) and (hearts(east) < 5)
# pre-emptive overcalls

ENT = (hcp(east) >= 15) and (hcp(east) <= 17) and (shape(east, any 4432 + any 4333 + any 5332) and (hcp(east,hearts) >= 3))
# E will overcall 1NT

Estrong = hcp(east) >= 19
# E is presumed to do something other than pass with 19+ HCP

Woc = shape(west, xx55 + any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 8xxx + any 9xxx)
#under the dealer with a passed partner West's minimum requirement for an overcall is a 6 card suit (or 5-5)

condition Nopener and (foundfit) and (not(Edoubles or Eoc or Eweak or ENT or Estrong or Woc))
# this will count the number of hands where we find a fit in one of the other suits, but excludes the hands where
# opponents will save us the headache by intervening. If you want to find the hands where we end up in 2H, then
# just change (foundfit) to (not foundfit)


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