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Topics - brian_m

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Interesting Play Hands / Double dummy play problem.
« on: June 28, 2020, 08:40:39 PM »|brian_m,kasey,IBracem,brucek|st||md|3S24QAH36AD5C689JK%2CS356H4789JDJC457T%2CS89JHTD36TQKAC3QA%2C|rh||ah|Board 25|sv|e|mb|1C|mb|p|mb|2C!|an|!c positive%2C GF|mb|p|mb|2D|mb|p|mb|3C!|an|5 controls|mb|p|mb|6C|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|HK|pc|HA|pc|H4|pc|HT|pc|CK|pc|C4|pc|C3|pc|C2|pc|C6|pc|C5|pc|CQ|pc|H2|pc|CA|pc|H5|pc|C8|pc|C7|pc|DA|pc|D2|pc|D5|pc|DJ|pc|DK|pc|D4|pc|H3|pc|CT|pc|H7|pc|S8|pc|HQ|pc|H6|pc|S7|pc|SQ|pc|S3|pc|S9|pc|SA|pc|S5|pc|SJ|pc|ST|pc|CJ|pc|H8|pc|D3|pc|D7|pc|S4|pc|S6|pc|D6|pc|SK|pc|D9|pc|C9|pc|H9|pc|DT|pc|S2|pc|HJ|pc|DQ|pc|D8|

I'm not really endorsing Mark's precipitous jump to 6 !C, in fact I thought we might have missed 7 !C when I saw the two hands, but once I saw all four hands I'm having great difficulty in finding a line which makes 12 tricks on the K !H lead. If East did not have the 10 !S then I could possibly do it by leading away from AQ !S and getting another entry to dummy by finessing  !S 9, but unfortunately East's  !S are K10x not Kxx, which puts paid to that idea.

If you let West ruff a  !D then she will continue  !H.

Can anybody see a line which makes the slam?

Dealer Scripts / The 1D versus 2C debate
« on: January 11, 2017, 08:41:15 AM »
# check the frequencies for Ash's problem hand in the forums
# 4405 with headless clubs
generate 10000000
produce 10000000
dealer south
condition shape(south, 4405) and (hcp(south) >= 11) and (hcp(south) <= 15)
# and (hcp(south,clubs)==0)
# remove the # in the line above for headless clubs,

Dealer Scripts / 1S over 1H or pass?
« on: January 02, 2017, 01:33:15 PM »

NOTE - this bit in red not part of the script!

This strictly isn't an example of a script for BBO hands, it's using the stand-alone Dealer program to run a simulation and produce a couple of hand counts. I don't know how Dealer works on Windows, but on a Linux box you run the script as

./dealer < script.inp > script.out

assuming that you have this file saved as script.inp, and the results will appear in script.out

# Respond 1S or not - hands where opener rebids 2m or raises spades
# as opposed to rebidding 2H when we respond 1S on 4=1=4=4 shape
# I could improve this script by trying to take account of suit quality, but
# the answer seems conclusive enough anyway for it not to be worth while
# We find a fit in another suit just over twice as often as opener will rebid 2H

generate 10000000
# takes just over 10 seconds on my PC

dealer north
predeal south SK963, H5, DJ852, CK874
# the small cards are just a random choice

Nopener = (hcp(north) >= 11) and (hcp(north) <= 15) and (hearts(north) >= 5) and (spades(north) < hearts(north))
# give N a 1H opener, so hearts must be 5+ AND longer than the spades

foundfit = (spades(north) >= 5) or (hearts(north) == 5) or ((hearts(north) == 6) and (clubs(north)==4)) or ((hearts(north)== 6) and (diamonds(north)==4))
# try to group the hands where north will raise spades or bid 2 of a minor

Edoubles = (hcp(east) > 10) and (shape(east,4144)) or ((hearts(east)== 0) and (shape(east, any 5044)))
# E lets us off the hook by doubling

Eoc = (hcp(east) > 7) and (hearts(east) <= 4) and shape(east, any 5xxx)
# this might be a bit too aggressive for some...

Eweak = shape(east, any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 8xxx + any 9xxx + any 55xx) and (hearts(east) < 5)
# pre-emptive overcalls

ENT = (hcp(east) >= 15) and (hcp(east) <= 17) and (shape(east, any 4432 + any 4333 + any 5332) and (hcp(east,hearts) >= 3))
# E will overcall 1NT

Estrong = hcp(east) >= 19
# E is presumed to do something other than pass with 19+ HCP

Woc = shape(west, xx55 + any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 8xxx + any 9xxx)
#under the dealer with a passed partner West's minimum requirement for an overcall is a 6 card suit (or 5-5)

condition Nopener and (foundfit) and (not(Edoubles or Eoc or Eweak or ENT or Estrong or Woc))
# this will count the number of hands where we find a fit in one of the other suits, but excludes the hands where
# opponents will save us the headache by intervening. If you want to find the hands where we end up in 2H, then
# just change (foundfit) to (not foundfit)


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