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Messages - OliverC

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Correct (?) Answers to Bidding Problems / Re: 001 OVER INTERFERE
« on: April 25, 2019, 08:06:23 PM »
I'm not sure that we've ever addressed this exact kind of sequence (eg: 1 !C - 1NT - (2 !S =Nat), or 1 !C - 1 !H - (2 !H =Nat).
  • If Opps' bid is ostensibly natural, then there is a good case for
  • Keeping Pass as Gamma (ie: Opps' bid is an almost certain psyche and Opener has decent support).
  • If Opener has their own long suit elsewhere they want to ask about, they can do so
  • Forget Double being the suit below and make it strictly for penalties with a holding such as Hx. If Opps run to something else we should be well placed to penalise them there as well (If Opener has no long suits of their own, they're likely strong balanced).
  • With a shortage in Partner's suit we can leave 2NT as being HoC to see if Partner has any more of their suit or a second suit to show and fall back on 3NT if they're semi-balanced.
On the other hand, I must confess I don't think I have ever [in over 40 years of playing Precision] seen this kind of sequence at the table where Opps have overcalled a suit positive with a genuine bid of the same suit, so maybe John is right and making any changes to accommodate such an unlikely sequence is a waste of effort.

1 !D - 1 !H - 1NT with 4-card Spades...
...C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas le Precision! :)

I always say that partnership agreement is king, and it's true. OCP is a system you can tweak to your heart's content, but there are some fundamental things about Precision, and particularly about OCP, that you change at your peril.

The simple 1 !D responses are geared to make it really hard to miss a 4-4 (or even a viable 4-3) Major fit when we're not strong enough to play beyond the 2-level (which is quite a lot of the time, let's face it).

One of the major criticisms of the Complex 1 !D is that it can make it much harder to find a 4-4 Major fit at a low level. Jason and I accepted that (albeit with some reluctance) because of it's perceived advantages in some other areas, but in reality there isn't much to choose between the Simple 1 !D and the Complex 1 !D .

Rebidding 1 !S on that hand does not preclude playing the hand in 1NT, but rebidding 1NT does make it almost impossible to find a 4-4 or 4-3 Spade contract when partner is fundamentally weak.

Rebid 1 !S 20 times out of 10:
(1) It's more constructive
(2) The priority in your bidding should be to find "somewhere else" to play. Finding a Major suit fit is the No 1 priority and opting to play in NT's in the absence of a Major fit is a close second.
(3) Depending on how the subsequent bidding goes, partner will realise that you may be 13-15 balanced, even when you've rebid 1 !S. Rebidding 1NT, however, categorically denies having 4-card Spades and nothing you do subsequently would ever convince an OCP Partner that you have a 4th Spade.

I think I agree with you about the scale for Beta after a 4 !C/4 !D Opening. Typically Namyats is a 4-level pre-empt with an outside Ace, or something along those lines, so I'd be perfectly comfortable with using the normal scale.

I think (given my comment above) that I'd be heading for the following sequence as Responder:
4 !D     -     4 !H(Beta)
4NT(3)   -   5 !C(Epsilon)
5 !S(2nd) - 6 !S
All Pass

4 !H agrees Spades so Epsilons are available over the 4NT response. You even just punt 6 !S over the 4NT Beta response.

Correct (?) Answers to Bidding Problems / Re: 001 OVER INTERFERE
« on: May 28, 2018, 12:35:16 PM »
Looks right to me...

One thing: Don't forget that the OCP system specifies Transfer Lebensohl over Doubles of their weak 2's (whether the doubler is 2nd-in-hand or protecting). Now the bidding would start:

(2 !H) - No   - (No)   - X
(No)   - 3 !C - ??

If West doesn't come in with 3 !H, North will bid 3 !D and now his !H King is protected. If West does come in with 3 !H you're no worse off if North passes or bids 3 !S.

Interesting Play Hands / Re: I LOVE this system!
« on: February 18, 2018, 10:05:28 AM »
It's very true that you can often only play as well as Opps allow you to play. Opps remained silent here and that helped us. Clearly on this occasion any sensible auction is going to go 1 !S - Pass if Opps are silent. Some people do play weak jump-shifts, however, irrespective of their support for Partner. I spotted one table where the bidding did go 1 !S - 3 !C.

The original point of the post was as much to do with the value of bullets in trump contracts as anything else.

Interesting Play Hands / Preserving Entries
« on: January 27, 2018, 06:51:32 PM »
The ability to move freely between the two hands is a really precious commodity. Sometimes, entries to one hand or another are few in number and on such occasions you need to protect those entries like mad, and work hard to create other entries where possible. This was a simple hand, but it shows the difference when you do the above rather than using up entries needlessly or squandering them:

Love All, Dealer East

East     South     West     North
1 !S      No           No         X
2 !S      No           No         3 !D
All Pass

South (Dummy)
!S K76
!H J1062
!D J74
!C J83

!S Queen led

!S A53
!H KQ7
!D AQ652
!C A9

I knew Eszter had a strong hand from her bidding, and clearly the !S King was well placed, but I didn't feel my motley collection justified any movement over 3 !D (rightly as it turned out - the Spade lead gives the defence a tempo and a Club lead would have given Declarer real problems in 3NT, since West had !C Q10xxx).

East led the !S Queen. How do you assess your chances and how do you play?

Firstly, Declarer needs to recognise that the majority of the outstanding high cards will be with East rather than West, so the chances of the !H Ace and !D King being with West are greatly reduced. You have only one sure entry to Dummy, which is the !S King and even that will be under threat if the Spades are 6-1 (which is a serious threat given the bidding).

Safest, therefore, to take that entry while it's a relatively sure thing, so win trick 1 in Dummy with the King. Now what? There's absolutely no incentive to delay attacking trumps, but how is it best to play the suit? With no other considerations low from Dummy to the Queen is the best play, but you might play differently in this situation when it's more likely that the finesse of the Queen will lose (eg: Small to the Ace and small back towards the Jack, which might gain you a tempo when East ducks with !D Kxx in case partner has the doubleton Queen). One thing is sure, there are two very good reasons why you should not lead the Jack here:
  • You inevitably lose an extra Diamond trick when West has the singleton King, and lose a !D trick unnecessarily when West has !D Kx
  • More critically, when the finesse loses, you have not gained back an entry to Dummy. If the finesse of the Queen loses, the Jack becomes an entry
(2) Above pretty much determines how you should play, which is the standard "best line" of small to your Queen. If East has the King, Dummy's Jack is now an entry. Why is this important? Well the Jack of Hearts is why: You want to enjoy Dummy's 4th Heart in order to be able to discard either a losing Club or a losing Spade from your hand. You cannot rely on an entry in Hearts themselves if whichever defender holds the Ace holds up twice and takes the 3rd round.

Eszter led the Jack of Diamonds, which lost to East's King. East now solved our problem, however, by promptly leading out the !H Ace!. Now what? If you just played the !H 7 from your hand, then this post is aimed at you, because there is absolutely no reason not to play the !H King or Queen under the Ace, thereby gaining an entry to Dummy's long Heart in the Heart suit itself. If you play the 7 on auto-pilot you've blocked the Hearts and can never get rid of a black suit loser.

If you were leading the Heart suit yourself, you'd start with the King and then the Queen in order to force out the Ace. Why play any differently when Opps freely play the Ace of their own accord? Okay, we're only talking about a relatively insignificant overtrick on this occasion, but if you don't get into the habit of unblocking suits like this automatically and actively seeking to create entries at every opportunity, then you will find it much harder to do so when it's critical to the success of your contract.

Interesting Play Hands / Counting the hand
« on: January 27, 2018, 02:08:04 PM »
Another good hand on counting:

Love All, Dealer West

South (Dummy)
!S 7
!H A874
!D A854
!C J654

!C 10 led

!S AQ1082
!H KJ96
!D Q10
!C K8

West     North     East     South
1NT       2 !H(1)     No        3 !H(2)
No         4 !H        All Pass

(1) Majors
(2) Pre-emptive

I think Eszter and I were on the same wavelength here: With a genuine invitation I can bid a slow 3 !H, so my fast one  is more pre-emptive than anything else, but North has values to spare.

On the lead of the !C 10, West played low and your King wins the first trick. How do you plan the play? The bidding has told you where all the high cards are. If West's 1NT is 15-17, then there is no room for East to have more than a single Jack, so the location of the !S King, !H Queen, !D King and the !C AQ should not be in doubt. How, therefore, should you play the hand?

Eszter played a Heart to Dummy's Ace and another Heart back, capturing West's Queen on the second Heart. Now the !S Ace and a Spade ruff allowed her to lead a Diamond towards her Queen. West took their King, cashed the !C Ace and tried to cash the Queen, but Eszter was in control: She ruffed, cashed the !D Queen, ruffed another Spade, cashed the !D Ace and the !H Jack was her 10th trick.

Good enough, and few NS Pairs bid this game, so 10 tricks was a decent result. At the end, though, Easter left the !C Jack alone at trick 12, when actually she could have cashed it and discarded the !S Queen for an 11th trick (East had the last Heart and a Club left). There are a number of decent lines for 11 tricks here, mostly based on taking the !S finesse instead of a second round of Hearts.

(In fact, 12 tricks can be made on this hand, based on the bidding, our count of the hand, and a little luck: A !H to the Ace at trick 2, then the Spade finesse and a Spade ruff without cashing the Ace. Now a small Club off the table almost endplays West and leaves them with no decent option except exiting with the !H Queen. Now another !S ruff and a Club ruffs out West's Ace and Declarer can draw East's last trump, cash all the Spades and enjoy Dummy's !D Ace and !C Jack for the last two tricks.)

Opportunities for endplays (and squeezes) abound when you know for a fact that one defender holds everything, as here. In such circumstances it's always worth trying to come up with a line of play that puts such a defender under as much pressure as possible and takes advantage of their predicament.

Interesting Play Hands / Trump tactics
« on: January 27, 2018, 10:45:41 AM »
Eszter and I got into a slightly dodgy slam on this hand (entirely my fault, I concede), but Declarer's tactics in the play of the hand is a point well worth making as it potentially applies to many other hands:

EW Game, Dealer South

South (Dummy)
!S J
!H A85
!C AQ864

!D 5 led

!S A83
!H Q10976
!D J72

Bidding (Opps silent)
South     North
1 !C         1 !H
1NT(1)     2 !D(2)
2 !H(3)     2NT(4)
3 !C(5)     3NT(6)
6 !H(7)     All Pass

(1) Beta
(2) 3 Controls
(3) Gamma in Hearts
(4) Hxxxx in Hearts
(5) Epsilon in Clubs
(6) 2nd and 3rd round control.
(7) A little risky. Good when North has !S Ace and !H QJ10xx, but hopeless when North has the !S King and !H Kxxxx. Not a great slam when North has what they actually had, either. :) I probably should have gone quietly here, but decided not to...

The Play
On a !D lead, how should you approach the play? It's a given that you need something nice to happen in Hearts, but even if you assume that something nice is going to happen there, the hand still needs some care.
The important question is this: Do you need to worry about trying to ruff North's losing Spades with South's short trumps?.

On some hands the answer would undoubtedly be "Yes!", but on this hand, with a Diamond lead rather than a Spade lead, the answer should be a resounding "No!". There are lots of tricks available in the Minor suits on which North's losing Spades can be discarded. Even on an initial Spade lead, it's arguable that drawing Opps' trumps is the overriding concern. Yes you might end up -3 when East turns up with !H KJx, but you're probably off regardless if that's the case and the difference between -1 and -3 in 6 !H when most people will be in 4 !H is not that great.

Eszter took a middle road: Winning trick 1 in Dummy. at trick 2 she led the !S Jack, took her Ace and ruffed a Spade. Now a Club to the King (maybe originally intending to ruff another Spade) but then she changed tacks and played a Heart to Dummy's Ace, before cashing 2 more Clubs, discarding her last Spade on the 3rd before leading a second Heart towards her Q109.

This worked out okay: The Minor suits were both 3-3 and West turned up with !H KJx, so had no winning options on the 2nd Heart and 12 tricks were duly gathered for a very good score, because few NS Pairs bid to a making slam.

The thing is that after trick 1, Declarer has the tempo: her control of the Spade suit is still intact and Opps have to gain the lead twice in order to be able to (1) attack Spades and (2) to be able to cash any Spade tricks. If Declarer didn't have all of the Minor suit winners waiting in the wings to take care of her losing Spades, or if her control of Spades had already been removed (at trick 1), it might be a different matter. Here, though, since we need to get the Hearts sorted out for only 1 loser, it's not the right tactics to voluntarily give up our control of Spades.

Better to attack the Hearts straight away and not touch Spades at all. If the Hearts come in for 1 loser (ie: West has one or both of the missing Heart honours and we guess right), even if either opponent wins the 2nd round of Hearts, they are not in a position to cash a Spade trick. All they can do is to force out the !S Ace and we still have the tempo to complete drawing trumps and enjoy our Minor suit winners.

This sort of principle applies on many hands. Ultimately it comes down to counting winners and losers. Here we have umpteen winners in the Minors and there's no need to gain any extra tricks by ruffing Spades in the short hand. If we keep Dummy's trumps intact, we can potentially still come to our 12 tricks when the Hearts are not ideally placed but still catchable (eg: West with !H KJxx) as long as we retain the ability to lead Hearts twice towards our Q109. Ruffing a Spade in Dummy early on takes away that option.

Interesting Play Hands / Re: I LOVE this system!
« on: January 27, 2018, 09:51:24 AM »
Ash, clearly (from the results) quite a few North's did enter the fray with that hand, some at quite high levels. Some people do still like weak jump-shifts (as opposed to fit-showing ones). I agree totally that EW should be getting into the bidding on this hand.

I think most of the South's who ended up bidding Spades at a higher level did so after EW competed.

I still love this system :)

Interesting Play Hands / I LOVE this system!
« on: January 22, 2018, 10:10:32 PM »
Aces are generally worth their weight in gold in a trump contract. Indeed many people favour variations on Milton Work's 4321 method of counting points that give more precedence to Aces and less to Jacks. Marty Bergen, for example, favours a scale of

Ace     = 4.5
King    = 3
Queen = 1.5
Jack    = 0.75
10      = 0.5

Anyway, there's no doubt that the bullets really pulled their weight in this contract. It's also very true that final contracts of 1 !H and 1 !S are much more common when a Pair is playing Precision. This hand shows off Precision at its best in staying low:

NS Game, Dealer South

North (Dummy)
!S 6
!H 5
!D Q763
!C Q1087632

!D 4 led

!S J109832
!H A109
!D A82
!C A

I had opened the South hand with 1 !S, and everyone passed (Eszter apparently without a care in the world and not a moment's hesitation LOL). I decided to play West for the !D King and went up with Dummy's Queen at trick 1 (and it held the trick). A Heart to my Ace and a !H ruff, a Diamond back to my Ace and the !C Ace saw me with 5 tricks, and I'd not even touched trumps yet.

In practice nothing could stop me from making an overtrick in this unpromising misfit. I knew it would be a decent result: EW can make 3 !H, but an amazing number of NS Pairs just kept on bidding all the way up to 4 !S. Even the handful of NS Pairs whose EW Opps overstretched to 4 !H and were doubled, going -1 weren't getting quite as good a result as our +110.

I love this System!

Interesting Play Hands / A Curious Outcome
« on: January 22, 2018, 09:34:27 PM »
This was a somewhat curious hand and I am somewhat at a loss to explain why it is that we obtained such a good result simply by making a game that should go off, but which in practice ought to make given the way that the defence normally went (and how it went at our table was fairly typical):

Game All, Dealer West

North (Dummy)
!S 4
!H K1043
!D AQ962
!C AQ10

!S 2 led

!S J1063
!H A752
!D J84

West     North     East     South
No          1 !D        No       1 !H
No          3 !H        3 !S     3NT(1)
No          4 !H        All Pass

(1) Accepting invitation, but only 4-card Hearts and a Spade stop

Firstly, What does the bidding suggest to you? East's initial pass over 1 !D, but leaping into action with 3 !S over North's jump to 3 !H, immediately made me think that (1) East had length in Diamonds and (2) East was short in Hearts.

Anyway, East won the first trick with the Ace of Spades and (without pause for thought) switched to the !H Queen. Given what I've said above, I felt it was far far more likely that the !H Queen was a singleton than a lead from !H QJ98 (which I can do nothing about anyway). I had no hesitation in winning the first Heart in hand with the Ace and finessing the 10 on the way back, completely expecting East to show out (which they duly did, shedding a small Spade).

The thing is, you absolutely have to play the Hearts in this fashion anyway: Even without East coming in at the 3-level, you have no alternative but to play for any 3-2 split or for East to have a singleton honour, and when East plays the !H Queen on the first round, it's only sensible to finesse the 10 on the 2nd round of the suit, guarding against West having J986. playing for !H QJ stiff with East is way against the odds, whether you put any stock in the Principle of Restricted Choice or not.

The rest of the hand was relatively straightforward, since I was fairly sure what the layout was: I cashed the !H King in Dummy (leaving West with their good !H Jack), crossed back to the !C Jack, and took the losing finesse of the !D Queen (I was fairly sure I would find East with !D K10xx once West played low, because only short Hearts and length in Diamonds could really explain East's initial pass over 1 !D). East played another Club, won by the King in my hand, and now the !D Jack revealed the expected 4-1 split in that suit. West discarded a Club rather than ruffing (their big mistake), and discarded another Club when I played a Diamond to Dummy's Ace (not wanting to ruff thin air). Now, though, I simply ruffed the 4th Diamond in my hand and West could only make his !H Jack once and Dummy was high otherwise.

The defence can do better than they did, it's true: If West ruffs the !D Jack and forces Dummy in Spades, I can't make this contract, but at that stage they cannot be sure how many Diamonds I have. Some Souths were going -2 in 4 !H, however, which needs a fairly determined lack of care on Declarer's part :).

Interesting Play Hands / Re: A Dodgy Slam
« on: January 22, 2018, 07:38:40 PM »
As it stands at the moment, the issue of asking for possession of the Jack only applies when the original Delta/Theta/Iota got a response that shows xxxx or HHxx (ie: the only two responses that always show one particular holding rather than one of two alternatives).

The immediate answer to your question, therefore, is that no, that wouldn't be an alternative response.

However, it would be quite a neat idea, potentially, (Asker might have AKQxx or AK109x, for example) and logically there is absolutely no reason not to allow the same 2 responses in the following situation only:
  • Teller has shown a balanced hand
  • Iota (whether an initial Iota or a repeat Alpha, Delta, Theta or Iota in a different suit) got a 1-step response showing what in practice has to be xx in the suit

This could easily be managed by a subtle re-wording of the rules for Iota to something along the lines of "...any time that the original Iota got a response that shows only one possible alternative" rather than the existing reference to 4 or 6-step responses.

Interesting Play Hands / Attempting an Endplay
« on: January 21, 2018, 10:39:31 PM »
This was an interesting deal, on which, with Eszter at the helm, we got a very decent result:

Love All, Dealer West

South (Dummy)
!H 842
!D Q7432
!C Q94

!C King led

!S 74
!H AQJ10765
!D K986
!C -

West     North     East     South
No          1 !H        2 !C      2 !H
3 !C        4 !H        All Pass

Eszter ruffed the opening lead in hand and scored immediately by dropping East's singleton King of Hearts. The !H Queen followed, on which East discarded a small Spade. Now what?

There is considerable potential for trying to endplay East here. Ideally you want Opps to open up the Diamonds for you. East surely started with !C AK and cannot continue attacking the suit without creating a Club trick for you. If you play !S AJ and can persuade East to win the second Spade trick, then they will be endplayed and possibly persuaded to open up the Diamonds for you.

As the cards lie that line you probably have worked quite nicely, since West started with !S Q9863 and probably would (and later on, did) duck the Jack rather than covering it with the Queen. I thought Eszter had found that line when she crossed to the !S Ace at trick 4, but then she ruffed a Club before exiting with a Spade towards the Jack. Ruffing a Club first is a mistake, I feel, because Opps already know North was void in Clubs, so it's not achieving anything and, what's more, gives up the threat which prevents East from continuing Clubs. Now East, winning the second Spade with the King, had an easy exit with the !C Ace.

Eszter recovered well, though: instead of ruffing the !C Ace, she discarded a Diamond from hand and now East (holding !D J10x) was well and truly endplayed to either open up the Diamonds (which West would win with their singleton Ace) or to give Declarer a ruff 'n' discard in one of the Black suits, which would allow Dummy to ruff and Declarer to shorten their Diamonds down to !D K9.

Taking unnecessary ruffs can be counter-productive, as here when the second Club ruff effectively removed the threat against East. Worth noting, however, that playing Ace and another Spade wins even when West wins the second Spade. If they return a small Club, Declarer simply discards a Diamond from hand rather than ruffing and now, whoever has the !C Ace, another Diamond will eventually go away on the !C Queen.

10 tricks in 4 !H was surprisingly worth nearly 9 IMPs, because lots of NS Pairs were being pushed to the 5 or even the 6-level and going off. In 5 !H you pretty much have to drop the !H King offside and attack the Diamonds from Dummy (and have the foresight to unblock the !D 8 or 9 under the Ace rather than playing the 6).

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