Teaching Sessions & Practices on BBO > Bidding Challenges

Another Interesting Bidding Challange

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--- Quote ---1 !S  - 1NT
3 !S

--- End quote ---

In OCP F1NT, the cheapest unbid suit is always Gamma in Opener's Opening Major. That would be 4 !C here.

In my experience, OCP F1NT is significantly different than normal F1NT and many new OCP practitioner's do not really grasp this difference. For one, you will not be bidding F1NT with a weak, long suit of your own unless you are a passed-hand Responder. The other has to do with the PRIORITY of Opener's rebids. Showing a 4-card suit has priority over showing a 6-card suit.

Flip Opener's red suits and give Opener AT74 in  !D - Opener will bid 2 !D not 3 !S.

Check Oliver's Web Notes under F1NT (see either 1 !H Opening or 1 !S Opening for finding the scoop on F1NT).

Thanks,   Did not see where it said the "cheapest unbid suit was gamma" for responder.   But,  did find it.

Slam Exploration
With the 16+ hands (with or without Spade support), Responder can either bid naturally or, if Asking Bids are in use, has the option to embark on an Asking Bid sequence. With (3) above, over Opener's rebid...

    A bid of the cheapest new suit over Opener's Rebid is Gamma in Spades and Asking Bids are now established.
    eg: 1♠ - 1NT - 2♦ - 2♥ is Gamma in Spades

If Opener has shown a second suit, then a relay in the 2nd-cheapest new suit is Gamma in Opener's second suit.
eg: 1♠ - 1NT - 2♦ - 3♣ is Gamma in Diamonds

Also, I did check the guidelines and that is why I came up with the question.  The guidelines say order of preference.....

Opener's Rebid
Over the Forcing No Trump Opener clarifies his holding along the following lines (items are in order of preference):-

 1.   Rebids a second 4-card or longer suit, if held. A jump rebid in another suit promises 5-5 at least and a maximum.
 2.   Rebids a 6-card or a very strong 5-card Spade suit . A jump rebid shows a maximum with at least a 6-card Spade suit.
 3.   With any 5332 shape, Opener rebids his cheapest 3-card Minor suit.
 4.   Opener rebids 2NT with a setup 6-card suit (Originally this showed a hand missing only 1 of the top 4 honours, but now we treat it as promising the top three, so a minimum holding of AKQxxx) in an otherwise balanced hand that is upper-range (rare because such hands often upgraded to 1♣). There is a special scale for Gamma in these sequences that relates solely to the length of Opener's suit.

Thanks again,  Jim


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