Author Topic: Repeated notice.  (Read 2917 times)

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Offline kiwi_2o1

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Repeated notice.
« on: March 21, 2017, 10:58:13 AM »
So far none of the hands results, I mean bidding sequences, are OCP. You can see how other systems handle these difficult hands but the scores given for likely contracts should be reasonably OK.

Hopefully bidding sequences from other ocp'ers and answers to any questions will help us all.

Finally no system can bid all hands to the best scoring contract. For some, the hands maybe almost impossible to describe at all or in time. Here you could consider why you missed a reasonable score or be happy with your systems par on those hands. Also I'm not sure how MP / Teams scoring influences the balance. Feel free to challenge any score but back that up with your thinking. Its not helpful to just say you disagree with a particular score, and leave it at that. :)