General Bridge Discussion > Interesting Play Hands

Double dummy play problem.


brian_m:|brian_m,kasey,IBracem,brucek|st||md|3S24QAH36AD5C689JK%2CS356H4789JDJC457T%2CS89JHTD36TQKAC3QA%2C|rh||ah|Board 25|sv|e|mb|1C|mb|p|mb|2C!|an|!c positive%2C GF|mb|p|mb|2D|mb|p|mb|3C!|an|5 controls|mb|p|mb|6C|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|HK|pc|HA|pc|H4|pc|HT|pc|CK|pc|C4|pc|C3|pc|C2|pc|C6|pc|C5|pc|CQ|pc|H2|pc|CA|pc|H5|pc|C8|pc|C7|pc|DA|pc|D2|pc|D5|pc|DJ|pc|DK|pc|D4|pc|H3|pc|CT|pc|H7|pc|S8|pc|HQ|pc|H6|pc|S7|pc|SQ|pc|S3|pc|S9|pc|SA|pc|S5|pc|SJ|pc|ST|pc|CJ|pc|H8|pc|D3|pc|D7|pc|S4|pc|S6|pc|D6|pc|SK|pc|D9|pc|C9|pc|H9|pc|DT|pc|S2|pc|HJ|pc|DQ|pc|D8|

I'm not really endorsing Mark's precipitous jump to 6 !C, in fact I thought we might have missed 7 !C when I saw the two hands, but once I saw all four hands I'm having great difficulty in finding a line which makes 12 tricks on the K !H lead. If East did not have the 10 !S then I could possibly do it by leading away from AQ !S and getting another entry to dummy by finessing  !S 9, but unfortunately East's  !S are K10x not Kxx, which puts paid to that idea.

If you let West ruff a  !D then she will continue  !H.

Can anybody see a line which makes the slam?

ace h
rough h  with the 3 c
play two rounds of clubs ace and qc

hook the ks. 

now squeeze east in d and s

clear trumps now after s finesse.

go to daimonds on board throw last h
s can hook   or diamond is good six on board if east has been pitching them.   if they have thrown s then is easier.   

makes 7 I think

You're right, six is easy. It was the need to immediately ruff a heart that I missed.

The problem becomes more interesting after a diamond lead, which cuts off communication to the diamonds if we try to draw trumps. We need to play a high diamond, letting West ruff, then plan to ruff a diamond high to set up the suit. The timing is definitely off, so grand slam doesn’t make on this lead.


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