Teaching Sessions & Practices on BBO > Bidding Challenges

Importance of Hand Evaluation

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Open 1H and allow opponents to push you to 5L, perhaps slam level if partner doesn't bid. I'm fearful of the master suit so don't want to announce too much shape and weakness early on least it aids the opponents more than partner. I'd also consider 4H or whatever a heart pre-empt is in OCP.  Game may be on for both NS and EW and will assume unless I hear otherwise that the balance of points are evenly spread between the other three hands. The developing auction might show otherwise.

1C is out for me as partner may later consider a penalty double expecting a trick or two from my hand. 2H wouldn't satisfy me in a tournament as I may then consider bidding and rebidding D's to stay in the auction. Announcing a weak 2-suiter hand with that extreme pattern probably isn't going to help our cause much and I'd rather conceal my D holding. Yes, unscientific I suppose but I can come to life if partner explores, and give no revealing distributional information to opponents should they quickly dominate the auction.

Pass for me is also very unattractive as it's likely to give them an easy ride. If partner takes stronger auction over 1H, my hand has playing shape, except for the potential miss-fit.

I've got a feeling most other pairs will make some sort of opening bid so here I'll go with the field and the bid that gives me most hope in defense or offense. On balance I think it's best to have first say here and see where the auction takes us. One thing for sure there is going to more action at the table so I'm not yet going to think too much ahead than that.


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