Complex OCP System

The "Simple" OCP System is a development that came after the so-called "Complex" version. Indeed it's a version that has come about only over the last decade or so when I started teaching Precision on Bridgebase. The "Complex System" was what Jason Hackett and I normally played back in the late 1980's and early 1990's. In Pairs Congresses we had to omit the 3 Opening, which the EBU would only gives us a licence to play in longer Teams matches, but otherwise we were then able to play it pretty much "as is". Much of the Simple and Complex Systems are identical: The only areas that were significantly different were the continuations over the 1 Opening, and the 2, 2, 2, and 3-level Openings apart from 3. Indeed it has to be said that 95% of the advantages to be had from playing OCP come with the Simple System. The Complex System is enormous fun to play, but functionally it is not greatly superior to the Simple System. There are some hand-types that are specifically catered for in the Complex System, but most of those are relatively uncommon types, and the Simple System either copes with them in other ways or simply ignores them.

What I have said above should not dissuade you from giving the Complex System a look, however. It is great fun, not to mention a challenge, to play the Complex System, and in some areas it does add that final 5% of functionality. The Complex System gives us betters tools for slam investigation over 1 and took some hand-types out of the 1 Opening (eg: hands with a 4-card Major and 6-card Diamonds). The Complex System also gives us a number of weak Openings with extreme distributions that the Simple System would struggle to show with any accuracy (eg: 5-9 with at least 6-6 in the Minors), and some extreme distributional Intermediate Openings that would nevertheless not qualify for a 1 Opening (eg: lower-range Major/Minor 5-6 2-suiters). It achieves this by the use of a Multi 2 Opening. This in turn frees up the 2 and 2 Openings which we used to reduce the pressure on 1. All of the 3-level pre-empts were combined into the 3 Opening, which freed up 3 to be weak with both Majors, and 3 to be another Multi-style Opening.

Complex System Openings

The full range of OCP Complex System openings is as follows:-
1 This opening shows any hand with 16 or more points. The only exception is
  • 16-23 point hands with any 4441 distribution. (Opened with 2)
    Note: 24+ hands with 4441 distribution are still opened with 1
1 11-15 points with any distribution unsuitable for an opening of 1, 1, 1NT or 2. In practice this usually means one of the following hand-types:
  • 11-12 point balanced hands, or semi-balanced hands with a 5-card Minor when vulnerable.
  • 13-15 point balanced hands, or semi-balanced hands with a 5-card Minor when not vulnerable.
  • Unbalanced hands with a 5+-card Diamond suit and no longer suit.
  • Any 4441-shape hand.
  • Hands with 4-card Diamonds and 5-card Clubs.
  • Hands with a weak 6-card Club suit not strong enough for a 2 Opening.
Note: Although the 1 Opening is the same as in the "normal" version of this system, the Responses are completely different. This is the core difference in the Complex System, with the 1, 1 and 1NT responses showing point-count ranges and 2 upwards being Alpha Asks.
1 11-15 points with a 5-card or longer Heart suit. If a Spade suit is also held then it will be shorter. Hands with a 5-card Heart suit and a 6-card or longer Minor are opened with 1
1 11-15 points with a 5-card or longer Spade suit. Hands with a 5-card Spade suit and a 6-card or longer Minor are opened with 1. 5-5 hands with both Majors are opened with 2NT.
1NT When Vulnerable, 13-15 points with any balanced or semi-balanced distribution not containing a 5-card Major.
When not vulnerable, this shows 10-12 points (This also affects the 1 Opening).
2 11-15 points and either:
  • A reasonably strong 6+-card Club suit (QJ10xxx minimum), or
  • A 5-card Clubs suit and a 4-card Major, or
  • A 6-card Clubs suit and a 4-card Major with a void in Diamonds
2 A Multi-style Opening, showing one of the following:
  • A Weak 2 in either Major (notionally 5-9 points and a 6-card suit), or
  • 16-23 points and any 4441 distribution, or
  • 11-15 points and 8 Acol-style Playing Tricks in a hand with a 5-card Major and a 6-card Minor
2 Reverse Roman, showing 11-15 points and 4-card Hearts with 6-card Diamonds.
2 Reverse Roman, showing 11-15 points and 4-card Spades with 6-card Diamonds.
  • 5-9 points with at least 5-5 in the Minors, or
  • 11-15 points and exactly 5-5 in the Majors, or
  • a 3 or 4-level pre-empt in Clubs.
3 11-15 points with a 6-card Club suit and a 4-card Major (not with a void Diamond)
3 A Multi-style Opening, showing one of
  • A 3-level pre-empt in either Major or
  • a 4-level pre-empt in either Minor or
  • 30-31 balanced.
3 5-9 points and at least 5-5 in the Majors
3 A Multi-style Opening, showing one of
  • An Acol Gambling 3NT or
  • 5-9 points and at least 6-6 in the Minors, or
  • 11-15 points and at least 6-6 in the Majors, or
  • 32-33 balanced
3NT (Not used at present)
4 A good 4-level Pre-empt in Hearts
4 A good 4-level Pre-empt in Spades
4 A poor 4-level Pre-empt in Hearts
4 A poor 4-level pre-empt in Spades


  1. The sections highlighted in light blue above are those where the Complex System differs significantly from the Simple System. Each of those Openings now has its own page.
  2. You can, to some extent, cherry pick parts of the Complex System you want to play and ignore others (or play something different). For example:
    • Some OCP pairs prefer to play Lucas Two's (Muiderberg) in preference to the OCP Reverse Roman Twos
    • It is relatively easy to modify the 2 and 3-level Openings so that they are Compliant with ACBL GCC Rules or those applied by the English Bridge Union (EBU)
    • Generally speaking, you can use the Complex 1 instead of the Simple System 1, but keep the rest of the Simple System. Some small adjustments are required, though, because the Complex 1 makes no provision, for example, for 11-15 hcp hands with a 4-card Major and 6-card Diamonds.


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